The Guatemalan Sugar Industry presented its Policy of Respect for Human Rights that reaffirms the Sugar Industry’s commitment to observe and fulfill the fundamental rights enunciated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Labor Organization -ILO- Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
This Policy of Respect for Human Rights complements and frames the policies and regulations that govern the Guatemalan Sugar Industry since 2000, which, based on national legislation, adapt sugarcane activities for a responsible operation focused on social, economic and environmental sustainability.
The objective of this Policy is to contribute to the State of Guatemala in respect of Human Rights, promoting the training and strengthening of capacities in Human Rights for employees, as well as in the supply chain.

In addition, ensure compliance with the existing guild policies for the prevention, mitigation, and resolution of impacts on the community. In the same way, encourage dialogue for action on human rights.
“We are companies committed to the economic growth and social development of Guatemalans, our contribution to the country is manifested every day. For us, the human being is the center of our work“, said Alfredo Vila, president of the Guatemalan Sugar Association -Asazgua-.
During this process, there was technical support from the International Labor Organization, through CEGESTI, an institution that facilitated the formulation workshops.
“We have not found such a sophisticated, structured and well-run process from the private sector and business leaders anywhere in the world and that is why we classify it as unprecedented, which happens with great pleasure from Guatemala,” said Randall Arias, of the ILO Sub-regional Office in San José, Costa Rica, regarding the policy creation process.

“Given the commitments that Guatemala has with the international agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals, Guild Policy of Respect for Human Rights launch of the Guatemalan Sugar Industry, constitutes a clear commitment and contribution, from the generation of decent jobs, the production of sugar and its derivatives, as well as representing Guatemala in world markets as a productive sector that supports government efforts with an international view”, said Maria Silvia Pineda, Asazgua Sustainability Manager.

The public presentation of the Guild Policy of Respect for Human Rights was virtual and, in addition to Asazgua executives and directors, also participated: Leonardo Ferreira, ILO Deputy Director for Central America, Haiti, Panama and the Dominican Republic; Randall Arias, from the ILO Sub-regional Office in Costa Rica; Pedro Brolo, Minister of Foreign Relations of Guatemala; Carla Rodríguez, Guatemalan Ambassador to the UN in Geneva; Roberto Ardón, Cacif executive director; Carla Caballeros, Camagro executive director and Daira Gómez de Cegesti.
To access the Guatemalan Sugar Industry Policy of Respect for Human Rights (in Spanish) here.