The COVID-19 pandemic continues and the Guatemalan Sugar Industry through their Sugar Foundation -Fundazucar- maintains its support to health workers, and this week 917 personal protection kits were delivered in the South of the country, consisting of: 4 masks KN95, 2 gowns, 3 pairs of gloves and 1 face shield, for the same number of health workers.

To support the health care of people who attend consultations, the sugar mills also donated 96 gallons of antibacterial gel soap, 96 gallons of alcohol and 65 boxes of disposable paper towels to 65 health services of 5 departments from the South of Guatemala.

Likewise, the Guatemalan Sugar Industry donated 442 gallons of alcohol to 26 municipalities.

Since the beginning of the health emergency, the Guatemalan Sugar Industry focused on supporting the efforts of health workers who are on the front line in the fight against COVID-19 and, in 2020, through Fundazucar, the sugar mills delivered 2,751 kits for health workers.

Antibacterial gel soap, disposable paper towels and alcohol were also donated to 48 health services on the South of the country.