Andrea Bolaños, Sustainability Manager at the Sugar Producers Association of Guatemala -Asazgua-, and Gustavo Paredes, International Advisor at Asazgua, were guest speakers at the roundtable titled “Driving Sustainable Development through Action,” organized by the United Nations Global Compact.

The event, attended by over 100 representatives from the business sector, aimed to encourage companies to get involved in the UN’s 2030 Agenda and use it as a tool for sustainable development, highlighting good practices and contributions.
During her presentation, Andrea Bolaños outlined the main points of the Guatemalan Sugarcane Agroindutry -Guatecaña- 2023-2033 Sustainability Strategy, which includes environmental, social, and ethical commitments. Gustavo Paredes also presented 17 case studies developed by the sugarcane industry, showcasing how the sector contributes to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Last year, Asazgua joined the United Nations Global Compact initiative, a platform for voluntary leadership in developing, implementing, and sharing responsible business practices.
The UN Global Compact calls on companies worldwide to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of Human Rights, Labor Standards, Environment, and Anti-Corruption, while also taking action to support the goals set out in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).